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Immigration Services in Paphos

Immigration Services in Paphos

Whether you simply want to visit Cyprus and you are not sure on the documents you may need upon your arrival, or whether you want to permanently relocate here, our team of lawyers can provide you with legal assistance and representation in the immigration process.

Please read the following article if need immigration services in Paphos.

You can address to our Cyprus immigration lawyers if you want to obtain a visa or if you are interested in obtaining Cypriot citizenship by one of the legal means that are prescribed under the national law.

The same legal services can be provided if you are interested in matters related to immigration in Paphos, as our lawyers can represent you in this city as well.

If you will be moving to Cyprus in the beautiful city of Paphos, our lawyers can represent you. Our legal services that can be offered for immigration in Paphos are divided into three main categories.

 Quick Facts  
 Entry visa requirement (from EU)    EU nationals do not need to apply for a visa when arriving in Paphos. 

 Entry visa requirement (outside EU) 

 Persons arriving from non-EU/non-EEA states must apply for visas in accordance with the purpose of their arrival.

Visa exemptions can be granted in certain cases for short-term stays (up to 90 days). 

 Types of visas available 

Transit visa, C visa (short-term stay visa issued as a single or multiple entry document), D visa (long-term stay visa), F visa (permanent residency visa). 

 Time frame for obtaining work visa (approx.)  It varies on the visa of interest. The shortest processing period is  7 days, but visas can be processed in several months as well.  
Validity of the temporary residence permit 

1 year.  

 Time frame for obtaining permanent residence (approx.)

5 years (with our immigration services in Paphos clients can complete the application in the shortest amount of time after they meet the minimum number of years of residency). 

 Investor visa availability 

 Golden visa (our immigration services in Paphos include legal assistance in the issuance of business/investor visas). 

Sponsorship requirement  

 It can apply for tourist visas or visas issued in the family reunification stream (clients can request our immigration services in Paphos for more details on the sponshorship requirements).

 Time frame for obtaining citizenship

8 years (7 years of stay followed by 1 year of uninterrupted stay in Cyprus before the initiation of the application).  

Citizenship/residency by investment scheme availability 

Foreigners can’t obtain citizenship through the investment visa.

They can only obtain permanent residency, and, if they want, they can start the standard naturalization process.  

Tax benefits for expats  

Tax reductions on their salaries.  

 Visa issuance fees  

They vary from one visa to another (EUR 0 to EUR 90).   

Enthic groups in Paphos 

Germans, Britons, Russians.  

 Why relocate to Paphos

 International community, high education and healthcare standards, sunny climate, lower cost of living compared to many other cities in Europe. 

 Cost of living in Paphos 

Paphos is cheaper than other Cypriot cities.

The cost of living for 1 person is around EUR 800 per month (not including rent).  

They are visas and various types of permits that you can obtain as a foreigner, obtaining documents for permanent residency, which provides similar rights with those of local citizens, and obtaining Cypriot citizenship.

If you need a visa for Cyprus immigration, you should know that you can request one for one of the following reasons:

  1. visiting purposes;
  2. business purposes;
  3. reuniting with family members;
  4. making an investment in the local economy;
  5. under humanitarian grounds.

The procedure for the issuance of the visa will vary, of course, based on the legal pathway that you will arrive here.

Although the process for Cyprus immigration is similar for all visa types, the documents and the requirements foreigners should comply with can vary. Another important aspect that can influence the visa application process can refer to the nationality of the foreigner.

Persons who arrive from the European Union (EU) space will not need to complete any complex immigration requirements if they are interested in immigration in Paphos or in another Cypriot city, but those who arrive from non-EU states will need to obtain immigration documents.

For those relocating to Cyprus on a permanent basis, specific conditions have to be fulfilled. For instance, living here for a specific amount of time is one of the main requirements for obtaining Cyprus permanent residence.

One can also relocate here on a permanent basis through investments or by purchasing a property; our Cyprus immigration lawyers can provide more information on the legal pathways through which you can become a permanent resident.

Depending on the purpose of relocation to Paphos, there are many types of residence permits a foreigner can apply for. Persons interested in obtaining a Cypriot residence permit issued on a permanent basis can apply for the Category F permit.

Please mind that this permit does not allow the foreigner to develop a work activity here, so it is more suitable for foreign retirees.

How can a foreigner obtain the F permit in Cyprus?

The F permit is an immigration document that must be obtained by foreigners who are not citizens of the EU. The F permit grants the right to a residence permit in Cyprus issued on a permanent basis and it provides the benefit of relocating with family members.

The right to relocate with close family members is granted by other types of permits, which in most cases are issued as Cyprus permanent residence documents (in the case of permits issued for temporary/long-term residence, it is more complicated to relocate with family members).

What are the financial requirements for the F permit?

Immigration in Paphos under the F permit can be done by purchasing a property that has market value of minimum EUR 300,000 or by showing that the applicant has a certain yearly income that does not require him or her to work in this country.

The rights granted to foreigners who are the holders of this permit are prescribed by the Regulation 5 of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations. The law states that the foreigner can relocate here with his or her close family members, which can refer to the following:

  1. spouse;
  2. children with an age below 18 years old.

Of course, the persons who will arrive here with the applicant will also receive a Cypriot residence permit.

The family members who will relocate under the F permit will be considered dependents and the permit holder will need to provide evidence on his or her financial situation based on the circumstances of arrival (arriving alone or with family members).

Thus, immigration in Paphos will be possible if the permit holder will show evidence of an income of EUR 9,568.17. An additional EUR 4,613.22 will be required for each person the permit holder will arrive here with.

What other conditions must be fulfilled for the issuance of the F permit?

A foreigner can complete his or her procedure for immigration in Paphos under the F permit only by complying with all other requirements imposed by the law. One of them is to not work in this country or to obtain an income from any source deriving from here.

Therefore, the person can obtain the residence permit in Cyprus only as long as he or he already has a source of income obtained from the country of residence.

The income can take the form of salaries, shares, bonds, and other types of incomes, but they have to obtained from outside Cyprus.

While residing here, the permit holder is not allowed to develop any type of activity that will provide an income, this is a basic requirement of this type of permit.

As said above, the foreigner can purchase a property, but this is not mandatory. One can also rent a place to stay in Paphos (the type/value of the property doesn’t matter). Below, foreigners who want to relocate to Paphos are invited to watch a short video concerning the main immigration procedures they may encounter:

Important matters related to the dependents of the F permit

The dependents arriving here under the F permit will secure certain rights, such as the one of obtaining a Cypriot residence permit. However, there are certain aspects to be aware of.

Our immigration lawyer in Cyprus has prepared a short presentation concerning this:

  • a dependent actually refers to the children with an age below 18 years old;
  • persons who have an age above this, must complete a separate application;
  • the children need to apply for a new residence permit when they reach 18 years old;
  • the parents of the person who applies for the F permit can’t apply under this visa program.

It is also necessary to know that although a foreigner who is granted with the F permit can receive the Cyprus permanent residence, provided that the person does not relocate here in a period of 1 year since the permit was issued, the immigration process/rights will be annulled.

There are other matters to be taken into consideration, including for those who want to obtain citizenship in Cyprus.
Our immigration lawyers can present the conditions you must respect for citizenship in Cyprus, based on your particularities.

With regards to Cypriot nationality, our team of lawyers can also provide legal representation; our services will differ based on your specific legal situation, as one can become a Cypriot citizen provided that one of the following is applicable:

  • the person has lived here as a permanent resident (the citizenship process applicable here is the naturalization);
  • the foreigner is marrying or is married to a Cypriot national;
  • the foreigner can prove that he or she is related by blood to Cypriot nationals (through parents or grandparents).

Foreigners who qualify for Cypriot citizenship by naturalization must meet basic residency requirements. Thus, they must have an overall residency in Cyprus of 7 years (or 2,555 days).

This must be proven by various documents, including by presenting the visa stamps and the departures and arrivals to/from Cyprus. The person must have the status of a permanent resident when applying.

What is the data on immigration in Paphos?

Immigration in Paphos is a common event, as the city has a large share of foreigners living here. Foreigners that live in this city can stay here as residents or as permanent residents, and a part of them have gained the right to citizenship as well.

Below, our Cyprus immigration lawyers have prepared a short presentation based on the data of the Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus:

  • in 2001, the Paphos population accounted for 66,364 persons;
  • in the 2011 census, the population expanded to 88,266 persons, accounting for an increase of 33% in the 10 year period;
  • in 2011, from the 88,266 persons living in Paphos, 57,474 accounted for Cypriot citizens;
  • the rest, of 30,792 persons, represented the numbers on immigration in Paphos;
  • in 2011, the Cypriot citizenship in Paphos had a share of 65,1%, while foreigners accounted for 34,9%.
  • it is worth knowing that at that time, immigration in Paphos accounted for the largest share at a national level, as the 2nd most important foreigner share was observed in Lemesos (20,6%);
  • the number of foreigners living in Paphos was also above the national average, of 21,4%.

If you want to relocate to Cyprus, we invite you to request more information on the procedure from our immigration lawyers. Our team can help you ease the process of immigration in Paphos and if you are interested in relocating elsewhere in the country, you can address to our lawyer for advice.

Our Cyprus immigration lawyers can also provide legal representation if you want to relocate here for business purposes or to reunite with family members living in this country.